Safe Travel! Secure Electronic Devices

Travel smart, keep devices safe! Use password protection, backup data, and avoid public Wi-Fi risks. Explore the world worry-free.

Safe Travel! Secure Electronic Devices

Published on 04/09/2023

By Ajay Singh Rathore

Energy Comparison

One of the most important requirements of an Australian is traveling. It’s fun to explore and experience new things. Many travelers love to go on these adventures and capture the moments. That’s why electronic devices such as action cams, phones and laptops are always on the list of things they want to carry. It’s necessary to take precautions in keeping electronic devices safe during travel as these are vulnerable to damage and loss. To fully enjoy your holiday here are the things to keep in mind.

Make sure to update the device’s software

A once in a lifetime adventure must be perfect. So, the first thing to do is to update all devices’ software. Regardless if it’s an old or new device all software must be up-to-date especially security patches.

Most devices are used for private transactions. These also contain important data including captured moments of travels. Maintaining solid security is one of the best things to do in order to keep data secure.

Activate auto-lock and password security

Some people don’t use auto-lock and password protection, especially when living alone. The first time you travel is the right time to start setting one. It gives the culprit a hard time in trying to access devices easily while the owner is in the middle of sight-seeing. It is also an advantage for users who leave their electronic devices unattended most of the times.

Turn off Bluetooth connectivity

Bluetooth is one of the most important features of many electronic devices. It allows the transfer of files and access to other devices. However, many forget to turn off Bluetooth when not in use. It may result in a safety risk in public places and during travel.  When Bluetooth is on, anyone nearby can access the device in a blink. Make sure to switch off this feature before starting the holiday.

Use secure Wi-Fi connection

While accessing the internet, use Wi-Fi connection with a password protected network instead of free but unsecured connection.

Sometimes we cannot avoid the use of public computers to check emails or flight details. If this is the case, look for HTTPS prefix at the beginning of URL to ensure the connection is secured.

Leave important devices locked in safe

Most hotels anywhere have safe for storing valuables. Make sure to secure not needed devices for the getaway today using locked safe. Do not leave devices where a stranger can easily grab it.

Check personal accounts

Traveling is the time to relax and forget stress. But it doesn’t mean setting aside monitoring of valuable assets. Make sure you check personal financial accounts before and after the travel. Criminals usually execute their dark motives when the owner is busy or distracted with other stuff. Report suspicious transactions immediately and log out of all accounts after use.

Do not broadcast holiday on social media

Travel plans are interesting topics to post on social media. But this is not advisable as it informs criminals about your location and that no one is at home. Post pictures of travel adventures after the holiday and be sure to limit private information in social media. These help you feel secure during holiday and travel.

Do not allow anyone to miss the adventure. Either across the country or abroad, ensure safety and secure all devices to surely enjoy the most awaited travel.

Energy Comparison
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